Bee flying towards a red flower in the bee garden at Eco Terreno

Farm health: The importance of bees in our vineyard

Bees are necessary for life on our planet. We need to protect them at all costs. This is why signed up to be a bee-friendly certified farm. It’s another way we believe in giving back.

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Sign at entrance to Eco Terreno biodynamic vineyard

What it takes to get Biodynamic® Certification for a vineyard

As a certified biodynamic farm, we grow in sync with nature. It ensures our wines from Alexander Valley are delicious.

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Barn owl flying in the sky

Our feathered helpers: Deterring pests naturally with raptors at Eco Terreno

We maintain a wild riparian area to encourage raptors to our farm. It’s a perfect partnership with benefits for all.

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Bluebird nesting box amongst vineyards at Eco Terreno

Farming with nature: The benefits of bluebirds on a vineyard

A healthy birdlife is a sign of a healthy farm. We encourage bluebirds to our vineyard by offering bird boxes for safe nesting.

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Spring onions growing vibrantly in the edible garden

Regenerative agriculture: Growing produce at our wine farm

Our vineyard is more than grapes. As regenerative farmers we grow organic produce all year round. That’s biodiversity.

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Red grapes growing at Eco Terreno vineyard

Saving water on a vineyard: How we limit our water usage

Farming regeneratively conserves water. We focus on building healthy soil able to retain moisture naturally.

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Small buds appearing on the vines at Eco Terreno

Budbreak at Eco Terreno: 2022 Review

The first sign of the vintage ahead. We prepare the vines for budbreak with a nutrient rich vermicompost made on the farm.

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Soil from the vineyard in an employees hand

Importance of healthy soil in the vineyard and why we care so much

Our soil health matters the most to us and the environment we live in. And it shows in our exceptional wine quality!

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Grapes hanging on the vine at Eco Terreno

Regenerative Wine Farming: What it is and why it matters to our farm and the earth

At Eco Terreno we farm to the highest environmental standard – biodynamically, organically, and regeneratively.

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After winter pruning, small shoots reappear during winter time on the vineyard.

Survival of the strongest canes

That’s a wrap folks – we’ve finished our winter pruning! Bud break is about a month away, give or take (depending on the varietal), and…

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